Friday, March 28, 2008

Relax for Health, Relax for Hope

Massage for Health
Massage for Hope

Each week, one ‘pay-what-you-can’ Ayurvedic massage ($99 value) will be offered at our eco-spa. Proceeds from this massage will be donated to Mother Om Mission, a nonprofit organization providing holistic health care to at-risk communities around the world (

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mantra Yoga - Resurrection

mantra yoga


Saturday, March 22nd 3:30pm - 5:30pm
suggested donation of $30

Jeremy Sills BA - Tanya Nash n.d., BSc(PT)

please RSVP

Spring - Rebirth

"All life awakens...Spring is a time of rebirth for all creatures and therefore a feeling of rawness and fearfulness can prevail...Recognize that this is a time of vulnerability and rebirth at every level. Embrace your vulnerability. It is only during this period that growth and personal transformation can occur. When you face whatever arises, you are no longer vulnerable" - Wise Earth Ayurveda Distance Learning Course.

Happy Spring Equinox!