Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Goddess Within: An Introduction to Meditation

Meditation is the practice of cultivating quiet and awareness to reintegrate our bodies, minds and spirits into wholeness and health. Through meditation, we can rediscover our authentic selves.

In this course, meditation will be experienced through mantra - sacred yogic sounds. Sound as a healing force is the cornerstone of all great Spirit traditions. Mantra is the use of specific sounds to create deep peace in our bodies and minds for healing and growth. With mantra, we will explore the three aspects of our Divine Feminine Nature: our creative, sustaining and transforming powers. Beginning and experienced meditators welcome.

Thursdays, May 1st - 15th

please RSVP to reserve your space

Earth Day Mantra Yoga - Returning to Mother Earth

The prevailing cosmic energies are to be experienced in the presence of Nature, where we learn to listen to the rhythm of the cosmic forces. Nature is the primal, original sacred space, which nourishes and cherishes us through Mother Earth. Nature heals us, emotionally, spiritually and physically, revealing our true godhead that breathes life into every minuscule atom that wills its energy to enter into form.
- Shambavi Lorain Chopra
The powerful resonance of mantra accompanied by crystal bowls will lead us through asana, pranayama and meditation to nourish our connection with Mother Earth. This will be a gentle, but deep session drawing from the tradition of Yin Yoga - beginners and experienced yoga practitioners are welcome.

Tuesday, April 22th 7:00pm - 9:00pm
suggested donation of $30

Jeremy Sills BA - Tanya Nash n.d., BSc(PT)
please RSVP

invoking the goddess - lunar meditation for women

invoking the goddess

lunar meditation for women

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008 7:30pm - 9:00pm
suggested donation of $11

please rsvp

In Vedic tradition, women gather together on the third evening of every full moon to bask in the moonlight.
This practice unites the community of women in song and meditation, aligning the powers of the feminine
spirits with the rhythms of Mother Moon.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Nine Nights of the Goddess

April 7th begins the festival of Chaitra Navratri - the Nine Nights of the Goddess. To celebrate, each night I will be leading a mantra meditation to invoke different aspects of the Divine Feminine.

Monday, April 7th - 7:00pm sunset meditation
Tuesday, April 8th - 9:10pm - following Goddess Yoga
Wednesday, April 9th - 9:00pm
Thursday, April 10th - 7:15 pm sunset meditation
Friday, April 11th - 7:15 pm sunset meditation
Saturday, April 12th - 7:15pm sunset meditation
Sunday, April 13 - 7:15pm sunset meditation
Monday, April 14th - 9:00pm
Tuesday, April 15th - 9:10pm - following Goddess Yoga

All willing to come into stillness to experience the Divine Feminine are welcome (including men and those who have not meditated before).
Women are invited to drop in to the Goddess Yoga class before the Tuesday meditations for a full evening of Goddess bliss. In the tradition of the teachings, you are asked to bring an small offering of flowers, fruit, beeswax candles and/or a financial contribution. Come to one or all of the meditations as you can. Jai Ma!

Please RSVP as times may change:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Sunday, April 13th 10:30am - 12:30pm
suggested donation of $30

Jeremy Sills BA - Tanya Nash n.d., BSc(PT)

please RSVP

Rama represents the masculine aspect of our own Divine Nature. The powerful resonance of mantra accompanied by crystal bowls will lead us through asana, pranayama and meditation to invoke our courage, valour and inner strength.